Star Wars Insider 157 Pdf
Star Wars Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Arriba, el logotipo de Star Wars. Debajo, dos sables de luz cruzados entre s un sable de luz es el arma principal utilizada por los jedi y sus enemigos, los sith, y consiste en una empuadura de metal pulido que proyecta una hoja de energa de aproximadamente un metro de longitud. Star Wars Insider 157 Pdf' title='Star Wars Insider 157 Pdf' />Star Wars conocida en espaol como La guerra de las galaxias es una serie de pelculas pertenecientes al gnero de la pera espacialpica,Nota 1 originalmente concebidas por el cineasta estadounidense. George Lucas, y producidas y distribuidas por The Walt Disney Company a partir de 2. La primera pelcula de la serie, Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope 1. Star Wars is an American epic space opera media franchise, centered on a film series created by George Lucas. It depicts the adventures of various characters a long. Star Wars Il risveglio della Forza Star Wars The Force Awakens, noto anche come Star Wars Episodio VII Il risveglio della Forza, un film del 2015 diretto. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. SiteImage/CatalogImage/STK676357?type=1' alt='Star Wars Insider 157 Pdf' title='Star Wars Insider 157 Pdf' />Star Wars canon was first defined in the first issue of the Lucasfilm magazine, Star Wars. Star Wars conocida en espaol como La guerra de las galaxias es una serie de pelculas pertenecientes al gnero de la pera espacial pica, Nota 1. The-Geek-Insider-20-2013.jpg' alt='Star Wars Insider 157 Pdf' title='Star Wars Insider 157 Pdf' />Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Peter Cushing y David Prowse. Aunque tuvo numerosas dificultades durante la produccin, 2. Century Fox se encarg de su distribucin y su estreno tuvo lugar el 2. Aos despus, se convirti en un fenmeno de la cultura popular a nivel mundial y su influencia ha sido reconocida por numerosos cineastas. El xito de la pelcula hizo que Lucas se involucrara en la financiacin de las dos secuelas que completaron la llamada triloga original, Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 1. Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi 1. Billy Dee Williams, Frank Oz e Ian Mc. Diarmid, y que fueron estrenadas en intervalos de tres aos. Diecisis aos despus de la ltima pelcula lleg a los cines Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 1. Liam Neeson, Ewan Mc. Gregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson y Christopher Lee fueron algunos de los principales miembros del reparto, que tambin cont con la presencia de algunos actores de la triloga original. Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones 2. Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith 2. En octubre de 2. 01. Disney adquiri Lucasfilm, responsable de la produccin de las seis pelculas anteriores,8 y anunci la realizacin de una nueva triloga cinematogrfica integrada por Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens 2. Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi 2. Star Wars Episode IX 2. Tambin se anunciaron otras pelculas derivadas del universo de Star Wars la primera de ellas lleva por ttulo Rogue One Una historia de Star Wars 2. La saga cinematogrfica ha derivado en otros medios de expresin tales como novelas, series de televisin, videojuegos, historietas, juegos de rol, de guerra o de miniaturas etc. Los nuevos aportes de todos esos medios han conformado el denominado universo expandido, a partir del cual se ha desarrollado de forma significativa el material de la saga. Adems, este conjunto de medios ha profundizado en cuestiones apenas incorporadas en las pelculas originales, extendiendo por otra parte las tramas presentadas en cada triloga. A mediados de los aos 1. Caravan of Courage 1. The Battle for Endor 1. El Gran Heep 1. 98. La primera pelcula de Star Wars en soporte cinematogrfico en ser lanzada a nivel mundial, sin formar parte de las trilogas originales, fue Star Wars The Clone Wars 2. Se trata de una pelcula de animacin por computadora destinada a servir de introduccin de la serie televisiva homnima, que a su vez se basa en la serie anterior del mismo ttulo. AmbientacineditarLos emblemas de la Repblica Galctica y la Confederacin de Sistemas Independientes, cuyo enfrentamiento es uno de los temas principales en la segunda triloga o triloga precuela de la saga. Los acontecimientos tienen lugar en una galaxiaficticia de nombre desconocido y en un tiempo no especificado solo se dice que fue hace mucho tiempo, en una galaxia lejana. Adems de la raza humana, son descritos muchos tipos de especies extraterrestres procedentes de los numerosos planetas y satlites que forman dicha galaxia y pertenecen a la alianza de planetas de la Repblica Galctica. Otros personajes recurrentes son los robots y los androides, creados generalmente para servir a un propsito, observndose as droides astromecnicos,9 mdicos,1. Los viajes espaciales son comunes y la mayora de los planetas que aparecen en la saga estn afiliados a la Repblica Galctica, la unin democrtica que rige la galaxia y cuyo gobierno, presidido por un Canciller Supremo, est formado por representantes elegidos o designados de toda ella agrupados en el llamado Senado Galctico, ubicado en el planeta Coruscant. En oposicin a la Repblica se encuentra la Confederacin de Sistemas Independientes, siendo el enfrentamiento de ambas uno de los temas ms importantes en la trama de las tres primeras pelculas de Star Wars. Uno de los elementos principales en la saga es la Fuerza, un campo de energa metafsico y omnipresente creado por las cosas que existen, que impregna el universo y todo lo que hay en l. La Orden Jedi es una organizacin de caballeros unidos por su creencia y percepcin de la Fuerza, que luchan por la paz y la justicia en la Repblica Galctica. Se entrenan en el uso del sable de luz o espada lser, un arma similar a una espada tradicional salvo por el hecho que su hoja es un haz de energa. Los Jedi son capaces de manejar la Fuerza y lograr as habilidades como la telequinesis, la clarividencia, el control mental o una amplificacin de los reflejos, la velocidad y otras capacidades fsicas. No obstante y aunque dicho grupo la utiliza con fines positivos, tiene un lado oscuro provocado por la ira, el miedo y el odio. Este lado es usado por los sith con el fin de exterminar a los jedi y tomar el control de la Galaxia. Planetas y poblacioneseditar. Mapa de la galaxia ficticia donde tiene lugar la saga de Star Wars. La galaxia ficticia en la que tienen lugar los acontecimientos de Star Wars est formada por varias regiones, que a su vez se subdividen en sectores y sistemas, con numerosos planetas y satlites como Bespin, Dagobah, Utapau o Yavin, y entre los que destacan principalmente Coruscant Capital de la Repblica Galctica. Se encuentra situado en el centro de la galaxia y es uno de sus planetas ms poblados, hasta tal punto que casi todo en l es una gran ciudad muy industrializada. En l se encuentran el Senado Galctico y el Templo Jedi, sede de la orden y donde se rene su consejo. Endor Una luna montaosa caracterizada por sus grandes bosques y situada en el sistema homnimo. Sus habitantes ms conocidos son los ewoks, unos seres de pequeo tamao cuya forma corporal se asemeja a la de los osos. Geonosis de aspecto rocoso y rido. Sus principales pobladores, los geonosianos, tienen rasgos insectoides y sus construcciones son similares a los nidos de termitas. Hoth Un inhspito planeta helado cuya temperatura se mantiene durante todo el da bajo cero grados. Entre su fauna autctona se encuentran el depredador wampa y el tauntaun. Kamino Azotado por fuertes lluvias, es un planeta acutico cuyos habitantes dominan la tecnologa de la clonacin. Kashyyyk Un planeta selvtico. Est poblado por los wookiees, quienes viven en ciudades construidas sobre los grandes rboles del planeta y que se caracterizan por la gran cantidad de vello que cubre su cuerpo y por su altura, alcanzando en su forma adulta ms de dos metros. Naboo Con capital en Theed,2. Sus habitantes nativos son conocidos como gungan, tienen forma de anfibio y su mayor ciudad, Otoh Gunga, se encuentra sumergida bajo el lago Paonga. Canon Wookieepedia FANDOM powered by Wikia. Star Warsopening crawl tagline found on canon adult fiction novels published by Del Rey. Star Wars canon was first defined in the first issue of the Lucasfilm magazine, Star Wars Insider. Gospel, or canon as we refer to it, includes the screenplays, the films, the radio dramas and the novelizations. These works spin out of George Lucas original stories, the rest are written by other writers. However, between us, weve read everything, and much of it is taken into account in the overall continuity. The entire catalog of published works comprises a vast historywith many off shoots, variations and tangentslike any other well developed mythology. To understand canon and continuity, the overall Star Wars saga should be looked at as a set of stories written by many different people which document past events. Although some stories are more reliable than others, they all are looked upon as part of the overall history. It should also be remembered that all of these stories are simply thatstories. There are numerous errors that inevitably arise between the stories simply because different authors have their own ways of telling the story and may not have the time and resources to perfectly align the details. This site deals with non canon material by putting red text notification above the non canon items. The situation can be compared to Greek and Roman mythology, or the stories of King Arthur. The various Star Wars tales are a group of separate but linked stories, and are told by many different authors over a period of time. As of April 2. 5, 2. Star Wars films, the Star Wars The Clone Wars television series and film, and the stand alone Dark Horse Comics arc Star Wars Darth MaulSon of Dathomir. Meanwhile, the Expanded Universe is no longer considered canon2 and was re termed as the Legends brand. Most Star Wars material released after April 2. Lucasfilm Story Group, making it part of the new canon. Canon and the Expanded Universe. This policy has been further refined and fleshed out over the years. The Star Wars website also details the role of canon, Expanded Universe or EU sources, and how they fit into overall Star Wars continuity. Christopher Cerasi stated,3When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselvesand only the films. Even novelizations are interpretations of the film, and while they are largely true to George Lucas vision he works quite closely with the novel authors, the method in which they are written does allow for some minor differences. The novelizations are written concurrently with the films production, so variations in detail do creep in from time to time. Nonetheless, they should be regarded as very accurate depictions of the fictional Star Wars movies. The further one branches away from the movies, the more interpretation and speculation come into play. Lucas. Books works diligently to keep the continuing Star Wars expanded universe cohesive and uniform, but stylistically, there is always room for variation. Not all artists draw Luke Skywalker the same way. Not all writers define the character in the same fashion. The particular attributes of individual media also come into play. A comic book interpretation of an event will likely have less dialogue or different pacing than a novel version. A video game has to take an interactive approach that favors gameplay. So too must card and roleplaying games ascribe certain characteristics to characters and events in order to make them playable. The analogy is that every piece of published Star Wars fiction is a window into the real Star Wars universe. Some windows are a bit foggier than others. Some are decidedly abstract. But each contains a nugget of truth to them. Like the great Jedi Master. Obi Wan Kenobi said, many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view. Lucas Licensing editor Sue Rostoni elaborated further on the place of printed Expanded Universe sources in Star Wars Gamer 6. Canon refers to an authoritative list of books that the Lucas Licensing editors consider an authentic part of the official Star Wars history. Our goal is to present a continuous and unified history of the Star Wars galaxy, insofar as that history does not conflict with, or undermine the meaning of Mr. Lucass Star Wars saga of films and screenplays. In a December 6, 2. Star Wars forums, Leland Chee keeper of the Holocron made this comment in response to a question regarding whether the aforementioned foggy window was a window into the real Star Wars Universe of the Films Only or the Star Wars Universe of the Films EU continuity. FilmEU continuity. Anything not in the current version of the films is irrelevant to Film only continuity. In 2. 00. 8, Howard Roffman commented on the subject when discussing Lucasfilms marketing plan for the Star Wars The Clone Wars TV series. Weve stuck to a very clear branding strategy for the past decade. This is Star Wars. Individual movies come and go, as do TV shows, video games, books. They all contribute to the lore of Star Wars, but in the end it is one saga and that saga is called Star Wars. Weve wanted to send a clear message to our fans that everything we do is part of that overall saga. Howard RoffmansrcCanon and games. Things are a bit more complicated with the matter of Star Wars games. The overall scenario and documentation cutscenes, manuals, strategy guides etc are proper EU see C canon below. This, however, doesnt apply to game mechanics and stats. Topps card featuring Kyle Katarn, addressing the issue of carrying many weapons simultaneously. Game mechanics are the artistic license properties of the game that separate any computer game from reality and serve to make one more playable and enjoyable for example Kyle Katarn carrying 1. Game mechanics are also some special effects accompanying the use of Force powers, such as sounds and glow surrounding the caster, which never appear in the movies. Health, shield, and Force repository are also game mechanics. On a similar note, artistic license for the sake of gameplay is often exercised in many Star Wars games which contain adaptations, either in whole or in part, of scenes from the Star Wars movies, especially when the player takes the role of a character from the film. For example, in Star Wars The Arcade Game the player takes the role of Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin, although the specific events of the game do not exactly match those seen on screen during A New Hope. In any conflict of canon, the respective movie has precedent, though this is rarely an issue. Background information given in the roleplaying game sourcebooks such as biographies, stories, blueprints, etc. Stats, on the contrary, are considered game mechanics. Stats include details such as weapon damage, speed, and character attributes strength, intelligence, dexterity, health points etc. In mission and quest solving, canon is assumed to be the fullest and best outcome possible of each missionquest available as given in the briefing or scenario. Kyle Katarn, Keyan Farlander, Maarek Stele, Jaden Korr, etc. Although the player can avoid some optional quests, Wookieepedia assumes that those heroes managed to complete all the available feats. Problems can arise with customizable options such as the species, gender, or alignment of the main character, until Lucasfilm releases a definite answer on this. Rocketfish Camera.