Free School Timetable Generator
Generate Timetable for STATE, CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE Schools free. Creating Time Table in FETDownloading FET 1. Download FET from the below location http lalescu. Latest version executable for Windows FET 5. December 2. 01. 1http lalescu. Generator Shed Plans Free Premade Sheds For Sale Near Brevard Nc Generator Shed Plans Free Garden Shed Kits Lowes Shed Free Kittens. Installing FET3. Extract the downloaded file to C drive as shown in the image below. Run FET Application. Go to extracted folder C fet 5. FET executable. 5. The FET Application window will be shown as below Time Table Generation First Step Collect Required data. Collect Data Required for Generating Time Table for your School as shown below in a word or excel document. School Name MARVELSOFT English School. Number of Working Days per Week 6 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT3. Hours Periods per day 9 periods, including shortlong breaks0. Free School Timetable Generator' title='Free School Timetable Generator' />Saturday no classes after 0. Classes for which you would like to create Time Table 3rd STD A, B Sections. STD A, B Sections. STD A, B Section. STD A, B Section. STD A, B Sections. Free 12x14 Storage Shed Plans Cupboard Bed Plans Free 12x14 Storage Shed Plans Octagon Picnic Table Plans With Umbrella Hole Round Picnic Table Woodworking Plans. STD A,B Sections. STD A,B Sections. Free School Timetable Generator' title='Free School Timetable Generator' />STD only one section5. Subjects being handled in the above mentioned classes Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Science Physics,Science Biology, Science Chemistry,Social, Computer, PE, GK6. Names of the Teachers who will be handling one or more of the above mentioned subjects for the above mentioned classes Staff Name. Short Name. Staff Name. Short Name. Staff Name. Short Name. Radha. R. MManjula. G. N. MAmbika. H. C. AGNanjegowda. VNGSowmya. B. S. SSudhakar. S. DRehethunissa. R. UShilpa. G. SChannakrishnappa. N. C. KEthashuddin. JEManjula. G. N. MEthashuddin. JESrinivasai. S MSavith. Kaudi. S. KManjunath. VJMSavitha. Kaudi. S. KSrinivasai. S MPoornima. SPs. Srinivasai. S MHMNagaraj. Como Hacer Un Troquel Manual'>Como Hacer Un Troquel Manual. Free School Timetable Generator' title='Free School Timetable Generator' />Van de Graaff generator Pupils in the Science department experimenting with static electricity using the Van de Graaff generator. Enjoy a gallery of the. School scheduling software for Mac, PC, tablet and phone. Create master school schedule and share. Free sign up. Unique automatic timetable generator. Gmail is email thats intuitive, efficient, and useful. GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. Free School Timetable Generator' title='Free School Timetable Generator' />HMNSunitha. S. R. RSumina. Rehman. S. RRupakala. R. K. SSowmya. BSSSumina Rehman. S. RRajesh. Kumar. M. R. KSunitha. SSr. Savitha. MCSSavitha. M. C. SRUG NManjula. GNMSNSAsha. D. AVNGSayeeda. S. N. SJESumeena. Rehman. SRPoornima. PS 7. Create a Table as shown below which would contain details required to generate time table in the FET. Teacher. Name. Short. Name. Subject Specialization. Classestaken by the respective teacher. Maximum Periods Per Day. Constraints. Radha. R. MKannada. 3rd A,B and 5th A6. Ambika. H. C. AKannada. A,B and 5th B, 6th A6. Sudhakar. S. DKannada. B, 7th A,B and 8th A6. Channakrishnappa. N. C. KKannada. 8th B, 9th A, B and 1. Ethashuddin. JEEnglish. Savith. Kaudi. S. KEnglish. 5th. A B, 6th A B5. Srinivasai. S MEnglish. Poornima. SPs. 8a b 9 ab. Sunitha. S. R. RHindi. A,B 4th A,B and 5th A5. Rupakala. R. K. SHindi. B, 6th A,B and 7th A, B5. Rajesh. Kumar. M. R. KHindi. 8th A,B 9th A,B and 1. A5. Savitha. M. C. SMaths. 3rd A,B 4th A,B6. G NManjula. GNMmaths. Asha. D. AMaths. 6th A,B 7 ab. Sayeeda. S. N. SMaths. A,B, 9th A,B 6. Sumeena. Rehman. SRMaths 1. Sowmya. B. S. SGeneral Science. A,B 4th A,B6. Shilpa. G. SScience. 5th A,B 6th A,B6. Manjula. G. N. MScience. A6. Srinivasai. S MScience. Savitha. Kaudi. S. KScience Biology. A2. 2Srinivasai. S MScience Bio. Sumina. Rehman. S. RScience Phy. 8ab 9ab 1. Sumina Rehman. S. RScience Che. 8ab 9ab 1. Manjula. G. N. MSocial 5th A,B 6. GNanjegowda. VNGSocial 6th A,B 9th A,B6. Rehethunissa. R. USocial 7th A,B 8th A,B6. Ethashuddin. JESocial 1. A6. Manjunath. VJMComputer. A,B 4th A,B 5gh A,B 6th A,B 7th A,B 8th A,B,9th A, 9b, 1. HMNagaraj. HMNP. E3rd 1. Sowmya. BSSGK3ab. Sunitha. SSr. GK4a. Savitha. MCSGK4b. RU7ab. 2SNS8ab. 2VNG9ab. JE1. 01. Poornima. PS5ab 6ab. 2Second Step Enter collected data to FET1. Add Master Data in FETThe data that we have collected in the previous steps have to be entered in the FET under each of the menus in the Data menu, as shown in the below steps. School Name MARVELSOFT English School. Enter the school name in the following menu 3. Number of Working Days per Week 6 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SATEnter the number of days per week and the days in Days per week menu. Hours Periods per day 9 periods, including shortlong breaks0. Formatting External Hard Drive Vista Fat32. Saturday no classes after 0. Classes for which you would like to create Time Table 3rd STD A, B Sections, 4th STD A, B Sections, 5th STD A, B Section, 6th. STD A, B Section, 7th STD A, B Sections, 8th STD A,B Sections, 9th. STD A,B Sections, 1. STD only one section 6. Short Breaks and Lunch Breaks 1. Saturday no classes after 0. Subjects being handled in the above mentioned classes Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Science Physics,Science Biology, Science Chemistry,Social, Computer, PE, GK 8. Names of the Teachers who will be handling one or more of the above mentioned subjects for the above mentioned classes Staff Name. Short Name. Staff Name. Short Name. Staff Name. Short Name. Radha. R. MManjula. G. N. MAmbika. H. C. AGNanjegowda. VNGSowmya. B. S. SSudhakar. S. DRehethunissa. R. UShilpa. G. SChannakrishnappa. N. C. KEthashuddin. JEManjula. G. N. MEthashuddin. JESrinivasai. S MSavith. Kaudi. S. KManjunath. VJMSavitha. Kaudi. S. KSrinivasai. S MPoornima. SPs. Srinivasai. S MSunitha. S. R. RSumina. Rehman. S. R 9. Refer the below table and add the activities of the teacher for each of the class in activities menu. Teacher. Name. Short. Name. Subject Specialization. Classestaken by the respective teacher. Maximum Periods Per Day. Radha. R. MKannada. A,B and 5th A6. Ambika. H. C. AKannada. 4th A,B and 5th B, 6th A6. Sudhakar. S. DKannada. B, 7th A,B and 8th A6. Channakrishnappa. N. C. KKannada. 8th B, 9th A, B and 1. Ethashuddin. JEEnglish. Sunitha. S. R. RHindi. A,B 4th A,B and 5th A5. Define the time constraints in the following menu. In the above example the Physical Education subject is marked such that, this period will never occur in the first period and after 1 4. PM on Saturdays. If the subject period must not come on a specific time, then select subject name and mark when it should not occur. If the Subject teacher is not available on a particular time, then select the teacher name from the above menu and mark when on which time they are not available. Define Time Table output folder. FET will create the timetable in html format and it will place it in the specified folder. Choose the output folder from the below menu. Generate Time Table. Go to Timetable menu and click on generate new. If you have defined less number of constraints, the time table will be generated quickly. If the constraints are more, then it will take time. Once the time table is generated successfully, You can quickly view it from view teachers, or view students. To see the html and printable version go to to output folder which you specified in the previous steps, you can get teachers, students and school level timetable. Save Everything for later use. Teacher Timtable Generate by FET from the demo data for Kannada Language Teacher Radha R. MMarvel. Soft Demo English School. R. M0. 9 5. 51. 0 4. Monday. IV BClass Handing X III AKannada. IV AClass Handing X V AKannada. Tuesday. III AKannada X IV AClass Handing X III BKannada. V AKannada. Wednesday. III BKannada. III BKannada X III AKannada. III AKannada X IV AClass HandingV AKannada. Thursday. III AKannada. IV AClass Handing X III BKannada X V AKannada. FridayV AKannada X III AKannada X IV AClass Handing. III BKannadaSaturday. III BKannada. IV BClass Handing X IV AClass Handing. V AKannada X X X X Timetable generated with FET 5. PM Class Timetable generated by FET for 3rd A section. Marvel. Soft Demo English School. III A Automatic Group. Monday. English. S. MComputer. V. J. M X Kannada. Swinburne University Melbourne, Australia. More than 1. 00 years ago Swinburne opened its doors with a simple premise in mind to provide education to a section of society otherwise denied further education. More than a century later, we continue to persevere in our commitment to not only provide, but also transform education through strong industry engagement, social inclusion, a desire to innovate and, above all, a determination to create positive change. More about Swinburne 2. Quick fact. 5. 8 million. Swinburne researchers by the Australian Research Council.